Courses Agenda

Courses Agenda

Business 101 and Setup

EIN, NPI, City License, County License, Business Plans, Contracts, Policy and Procedures, Finding a medical director, Sample contracts, Funding, Malpractice, Liability, Registering your business with the state 

Business Ideas

We have a list of at least 30 business ideas with zero overhead

You do not need a degree to start a medical business

Licensed or non-licensed

Certified vs. non-certified

Put your plan into action

We will assist with writing your business plan and articles of incorporation 

Medical Director/Collaborating Physician

Assistance with securing a medical director or collaborative physician if needed 


Legal agreements and contract templates 


Credentialing begins Day 1!

Gather documents needed for credentialing

Learn about CAQH, PECOS

Register with clearinghouses

Register with payors

Chronic Care Management (CCM)

This is a service you can start doing today

CCM Software recommendation

Billing codes for CCM


How to do your own marketing

Website start up

Sample emails/letters/faxes

Sample "script" when marketing to patients and providers


EMR sign up

Software recommendations

Claim forms

We will teach you how to submit claims and get paid

You will be ready to submit a claim in 30 days

Avoid denials and rejections

Tips & tricks that no one else will tell you 


We will answer questions that you may or may not have 

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